① 武士の信条
② 主君の言葉
③ 真実のチャレンジ
④ 応答するチャレンジ
⑤ 肉体的なチャレンジ
有酸素運動とは、筋肉を収縮させる際のエネルギーに、酸素を使う運動のことをいいます。 早く歩くことやジョギング、水泳、サイクリング、ダンスなども、ある程度の時間をかけながら、少量から中程度の負荷をかけて行う運動が最適です。1日30分、週5回が勧められています。上記の活動が退屈だと思う人は、他のスポーツ、サッカー、バスケットボール、バレーボール、ハイキングなどはどうですか?
https://www.facebook.com/groups/33mw.jp でぜひ登録してください。
Here’s the video of DAY NINETEEN:
The Warrior’s Creed
Speak it out for 2 minutes with conviction and use the movements from the video to memorise it:
“Obey heaven, serve people, conquer self, crush evil.”
The Master’s Word
Set this word to a rhythm and declare it out loud for at least 5 minutes and whenever you’re out walking or driving today.
“Love is patient, love is kind, it's not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-5
The Truth Challenge
Consider honestly these questions:
“How are you when you drive? Or when you play sports?”
“Do you become a different person?”
“Are you easily offended?”
“Are you known among friends and family as short tempered, or are you un-offendable?”
The Response Challenge
Take some notes and share them with your warrior brother (by telephone, email, text etc.).
The Physical Challenge
Aerobic/Cardio Exercise
Aerobic exercise is any type of activity that increases your breathing and heart rate and benefits your heart and lungs. It can include brisk walking, swimming, running, dancing or cycling. If you don’t already do aerobic exercise, consider what you can do to add it to your regular schedule.
If you find these activities boring, consider basketball, soccer, hiking etc.
Please register via FB at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/33mw.jp