[English below]


  • 動画を見る。(6:13) https://youtu.be/AHgbFCcdAUw
  • 下記の御言葉を読む。
  • 質問に答えて、ノートをとる。
  • 時間のある方、記事を読む。(マーティーウッド著)

1テサロニケ 5:23 主イエス・キリストの来臨のとき、責められるところのないように、あなたがたの霊、たましい、からだが完全に守られますように。
1コリント 2:10 神はこれを、御霊によって私たちに啓示されたのです。御霊はすべてのことを探り、神の深みにまで及ばれるからです。
11 いったい、人の心のことは、その人のうちにある霊のほかに、だれが知っているでしょう。同じように、神のみこころのことは、神の御霊のほかにはだれも知りません。
ヨブ 32:8 しかし、人の中には確かに霊がある。全能者の息が人に悟りを与える。
ローマ 8:15 あなたがたは、人を再び恐怖に陥れるような、奴隷の霊を受けたのではなく、子としてくださる御霊を受けたのです。私たちは御霊によって、「アバ、父」と呼びます。
16 私たちが神の子どもであることは、御霊ご自身が、私たちの霊とともに、あかししてくださいます。

  1. この世界で、何よりも望んでいるのは何ですか?
  2. あなたの霊は、主に何て言っていますか?
  3. 主は、あなたの霊に何て言っていますか?
  4. 人生が変わるために、今後から何をしないといけないですか?

著:Marty Woods 訳:山田 政之

『クリスチャンとして成長する上で、本来の自分を解放する事は感動や恐怖を伴う行為になり得る』クリスチャンカウンセラーDan Allender氏の著書から引用。







John Eldridge氏の著書『Wild at Heart』から私が常に心に留めている引用を2つ紹介します。














Learning to listen to your spirit and the Holy Spirit

  • Watch the video (4:44)
  • Read the scriptures again below
  • Ask each other the questions, take notes.
  • Extra content - read the article by Marty Woods below.
  • Check all the verses on the human spirit in this article.

English video: https://youtu.be/4AMPgx0wv34


1 Thessalonians 5
23 May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 
1 Corinthians 2
10 The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.
11 For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man's spirit within him?
In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. 
Job 32
8 But it is the spirit in a man, the breath of the Almighty, that gives him understanding. 
Romans 8:
15 For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear,
but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, <"Abba,> Father."
16 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. 


  1. What do you want most in all the world?
  2. What does your spirit want to say to God?
  3. What does God want to say to your spirit?
  4. For things to be different from this point on what do you need to do?

Listening to Your Spirit - Marty Woods

Here is a useful quote from Dan Allender, a Christian counsellor-
“The disentangling of the true self is the thrilling work of Christian growth.”
This has been my journey – the disentangling of the me from the “not me.” This journey has been my call, where my dignity has come from, made sense of my life.

I met a guy who was to become my boss. I was 29. When he spoke my spirit responded in a way I never had responded before. I had to talk more with him. He believed in me and as we worked together he would help me hear my spirit. He helped me to name it and so I was able to understand it. I recall being so thankful for my spirit and grateful for someone who spent the time to help me see what was always there!

However having someone help you hear your spirit is no guarantee that you will always do it. You need some of the disciplines. It is why the story of Jacob wrestling with God and saying, “I won’t give up till you give me the blessing” has been significant. It’s been my journey – wrestling and because I haven’t given up God is giving me this blessing. It is why I am so alive now. I feel that blessing. It came because I didn’t give up.

As Solomon says in Proverbs,
“Above all else guard your heart for it is the well spring of life. Proverbs 4:23
Here is the challenge - how do you make the spirit the integrating part of who you are?

We are body, soul and spirit and, as 1 Thessalonians 5:23 says, we are to bring all three under the reign of Jesus. If the integrator is your body or psyche it is a worry. I know when I drift to my psyche and if I don’t have disciplines that make my spirit the integrating part of who I am then I lose my way.

Here are some other ways that I have learnt to feed my spirit.
Have you ever come across Wild at Heart by John Eldridge? Here are two quotes that I hold on from this book.
“Time with God each day is not academic study or getting through a certain amount of scripture. It’s about connecting with God. Do whatever helps to keep the line of communication open. Sometimes I will listen to music, other times I will read scripture or a passage from a book, often I will journal; maybe I will go for a run – then there are days when all I need is silence and solitude and the rising sun. The point is simply do whatever brings me back to my heart and the heart of God…the whole point of a devotional life is connecting with God.” (Page 171)

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and go and do that because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” (Page 200)

The clearer you know your story the more it will resource you and, yes, it mentors you, calls you out to be the person God has called you to be.

It was a long journey for me to name my narrative and to summarise it and to keep building on it is an empowering experience.
When I know it I feel so productive – that rudder on my boat.
As I reflect in my journals (journaling helps me see what is going on) I have seen this…

What takes away my voice?
  • Self-doubts, confusion, shame, guilt and embarrassment.
  • Caught up in my mind – not listening to my heart.
  • The unresolved of the past – that leads to me withdrawing, avoiding and procrastinating.
  • Accusing voices that strangely became in a weird way – comfortable. I have listened to them for too long.
 When this happens:
  • I lose my story.
  • I lose my sense of self.
  • I set myself up to feed the flesh as I lose my internal resources. It is when I am most vulnerable as I don’t have the inner resources to say “no”.
  • I am distracted and not alive – at times it feels I live in a shell.
  • I don’t tell the truth to myself.
  • My past thoughts just seem to take over.
What strengthens my voice and breaks the flesh?
  • A pure heart- wholeness in all parts of me – being whole-hearted.
  • Listening to You, God.
  • Celebration and enjoying God. Doing what I enjoy “When I run I feel His pleasure.”
  • A spirit free to resource me –it clears up and speaks to self-doubts and confusion.
  • Knowing my narrative and living it.
  • Whenever I speak up, say “no” for the right reasons, confront, and not avoid, I am empowered. I am alive.
  • Understanding brings freedom.
  • Knowing and experiencing this freedom – life can be different - I don’t have to be trapped. I remember how good it feels.
  • A thankful spirit – always finding things to be grateful for. “It is the praising life that honours me.” Psalm 50:23
  • When my soul is at rest; I love this.
  • When all of me is praying.
  • Telling others the truth of what is happening in me/being accountable even if it is embarrassing and I find myself saying “I don’t need to tell them this.”
  • When I stand up with a strong adult advocating for my values.
  • Living in and knowing your grace/deeply knowing I am forgiven.
  • When tempting thoughts come I try to scramble them – sometimes I even yell out “No” audibly.
  • Don’t give up hope that life can be different.
  • Courage to face anything – no withdrawing.
  • A value to say sorry when I need to and own up when I haven’t told the truth. Initially it is embarrassing but it helps liberate me.
  • Catching any time I am avoiding conflict or worrying what people are thinking.
  • Try to take a genuine Sabbath each week. Will I advocate for it and don’t let it get taken away from me?
  • Caring for my body as well – getting enough sleep. Often makes a big difference.
I love God’s Word. My spirit seems to dance to it at times. Most days as I read something there it feeds and strengthens my spirit.

I appreciate these words:
Sow a thought – reap an action.
Sow an action – reap a habit.
Sow a habit – reap a character.
Sow a character – reap a destiny.
Scary that a thought can lead to a destiny – both positive and negative!

So it is a wrestle between the flesh and the spirit. In your struggle with the flesh, know this: it can never be tamed but it can be held back.
I hold on to James 4:7
“Yell a loud ‘No’ to the devil and watch him scamper. Say a quite ‘yes’ to God and he will be there in no time.”
Again Eldredge:
“To put it bluntly the flesh is a weasel, a poser, a selfish pig. And your flesh is not you. It is not the real you… the real you is on the side of God against the false self. Your flesh is your false self… We are told to shoot the traitor. How? Choose against him every time you see him raise his ugly head. Walk right into those situations you normally run from. Speak to those issues you normally remain silent over. If you want to grow in true masculine strength then you must stop sabotaging yourself. (Page 145)
Jeremiah says in Chapter 15:
“If you separate between the precious and the worthless you will be my spokesperson.”
That is our job, to be able to separate between the precious and the worthless.
So, if I could sun this up it would be these words: “Trust your spirit.”
And remember, your spirit is your ministry.


[English below]



① 武士の信条

② 主君の言葉

③ 真実のチャレンジ

④ 応答するチャレンジ

⑤ 肉体的なチャレンジ
年齢を重ねるにつれ、体幹を鍛えることがますます重要になります。 30代半ばから筋肉の自然な低下が始まり、定期的なトレーニングをしないと、50歳になるまでに背中や腰に様々な問題を抱えてしまう可能性が高まります。体幹トレーニングを毎日少しずつ始めましょう。


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Here’s the video of DAY NINE:


The Warrior’s Creed
Speak it out for 2 minutes with conviction and use the movements from the video to memorise it:
“Obey heaven, serve people, conquer self, crush evil.”

The Master’s Word
Set this word to a rhythm and declare it out loud for at least 5 minutes and whenever you’re out walking or driving today.
“Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.” Gal 6 vs 2

The Truth Challenge
Consider honestly this question:
“When did you last have a face-to-face, extended, deep, vulnerable conversation?”

The Response Challenge
Take some notes and share them with your warrior brother (by telephone, email, text etc.).

The Physical Challenge
Crunches, sit-ups or other core exercises

As we age, it becomes increasingly important to build core strength. The natural deterioration of core muscle strength begins as early as mid 30s and without regular training, lack of core strength may cause back issues by the time we reach 50. Prepare yourself for the future by making core exercises a part of your day now.

Sit-ups or Crunches?
In the video I was doing crunches, not sit-ups. Here’s a short simple video showing how to do a proper sit-up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDwoBqPH0jk
There is also advice against traditional sit-ups and introducing some alternatives; check out other exercises that exercise the core area from the experts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIvDbMEdAxI

Check out: http://33mw.jp
Please register via FB at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/33mw.jp


[English below]



① 武士の信条

② 主君の言葉
「互いに罪を言い表して、互いのために祈りなさい。いやされるため。」ヤコブ 5:16 

③ 真実のチャレンジ

④ 応答するチャレンジ

⑤ 肉体的なチャレンジ




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Here’s the video of DAY EIGHT:


The Warrior’s Creed
Speak it out for 2 minutes with conviction and use the movements from the video to memorise it:
“Obey heaven, serve people, conquer self, crush evil.”

The Master’s Word
Set this word to a rhythm and declare it out loud for at least 5 minutes and whenever you’re out walking or driving today.
“Confess your sin one to another that you may be healed.” James 5:16

The Truth Challenge
Consider honestly this question:
“Do you have a friend that you trust more than you trust yourself? Do you have a sin habit that haven't yet confessed to anyone, but you know you should?”

The Response Challenge
Take some notes and share them with your warrior brother (by telephone, email, text etc.).

The Physical Challenge
Fast social media and encourage an old friend

Today’s physical challenge is a SOCIAL MEDIA fast! Wow - food is one thing - but giving up social media or internet browsing takes a whole new level of self-control!
But don’t just STOP one thing - do something else instead.
And our challenge today is, instead of using social media for this one day,
reach out to connect with an old friend and see if you can get some time with them.
Meet up for coffee or if you can’t meet up - one idea is to ask them what you can pray for them for.
Sometimes that is a key for people to open up.
So - pray, ask the Master to show you someone.
Ask the Master about how to approach them; to meet up or just to say you were thinking about them, and ask how things are. Or to offer to pray.
Contact them - and see how things go.
(Now, be careful - unless you strongly sense the Spirit showing you - I encourage you to just contact other men. Don’t give the devil a chance to tempt you to contact old girlfriends/lovers etc. Listen and obey the Spirit!)

Check out: http://33mw.jp
Please register via FB at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/33mw.jp


[English below]



① 武士の信条

② 主君の言葉

③ 真実のチャレンジ

④ 応答するチャレンジ

⑤ 肉体的なチャレンジ


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Here’s the video of DAY SEVEN:


The Warrior’s Creed
Speak it out for 2 minutes with conviction and use the movements from the video to memorise it:
“Obey heaven, serve people, conquer self, crush evil.”

The Master’s Word
Set this word to a rhythm and declare it out loud for at least 5 minutes and whenever you’re out walking or driving today.
“Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of Christ.” Romans 10:17 

The Truth Challenge
Consider honestly this question:
“What is the last thing that God spoke to you? Are you taking the time to listen to the Spirit? What is your spirit wanting to say to God?” 

The Response Challenge
Take some notes and share them with your warrior brother (by telephone, email, text etc.).

The Physical Challenge
Push ups
Make push-ups a part of your daily routine, if they’re not already; but make sure you’re doing them properly. Don’t copy me - check out advice here from an expert! Aim for 40-50 push-ups a day.

Check out: http://33mw.jp
Please register via FB at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/33mw.jp

第六日目 DAY SIX

[English Below]



① 武士の信条

② 主君の言葉

③ 真実のチャレンジ

④ 応答するチャレンジ

⑤ 肉体的なチャレンジ





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Here’s the video of DAY SIX: 


The Warrior’s Creed
Speak it out for 2 minutes with conviction and use the movements from the video to memorise it:
“Obey heaven, serve people, conquer self, crush evil.”

The Master’s Word
Set this word to a rhythm and declare it out loud for at least 5 minutes and whenever you’re out walking or driving today.
“Rejoice in Lord, Oh my soul. The joy of the Lord is your strength.”
Nehemiah 8:10, Psalm 103:1

The Truth Challenge
Consider honestly this question:
“Is worship a lifestyle for you, or just something you do at a special meeting when other people are there? Do you need music, or something outside yourself to worship? What can you do to deepen your worship lifestyle?”

The Response Challenge
Take some notes and share them with your warrior brother (by telephone, email, text etc.).

The Physical Challenge
The challenge today is to find as many opportunities as you can to sing out loud as you go about your day, stirring and taking control over your own soul.
Perhaps on your way to work or school or in the shower.
You could even take a special trip to the seaside, or the mountain to be alone and sing your lungs out!
Use music - or make your own music. Either way - raise your voice and sing a new song to the Lord!
Physical Benefits of Singing:
  • strengthens the immune system.
  • is a workout.
  • improves your posture.
  • helps with sleep.
  • is a natural anti-depressant.
  • lowers stress levels.
  • improves mental alertness.
Check this video too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZJ8BfEu-P8

Check out: http://33mw.jp
Please register via FB at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/33mw.jp


[English below]



① 武士の信条

② 主君の言葉
「この日は主が作られた。われらはこれを喜ぶ。」詩篇 118:24

③ 真実のチャレンジ

④ 応答するチャレンジ

⑤ 肉体的なチャレンジ


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Here’s the video of DAY FIVE: 


The Warrior’s Creed
Speak it out for 2 minutes with conviction and use the movements from the video to memorise it:
“Obey heaven, serve people, conquer self, crush evil.”

The Master’s Word
Set this word to a rhythm and declare it out loud for at least 5 minutes and whenever you’re out walking or driving today.
“This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24

The Truth Challenge
Consider honestly this question:
“What is the FIRST thing you do every morning? Does it bring you LIFE? If not, why not? What do you need to do to take over your mornings?”

The Response Challenge
Take some notes and share them with your warrior brother (by telephone, email, text etc.).

The Physical Challenge
5-second Get-Up Rule
Don’t use your snooze button - get up within 5 seconds of waking up.

If you want to know the science behind not using the snooze button, check this out:
and another:

Check out: http://33mw.jp
Please register via FB at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/33mw.jp


[English below]



① 武士の信条

② 主君の言葉

③ 真実のチャレンジ

④ 応答するチャレンジ

⑤ 肉体的なチャレンジ


  • ゆったりと腰掛け、30回、早く深呼吸をします。鼻から息を吸って、口から息を出しましょう。
  • 次にゆっくりと1回、深呼吸をします。息を吐き切った後、止めれるだけ長く息を止めましょう。
  • もう一度ゆっくりと深呼吸をします。今度はできるだけ吸い込んだ後、10秒息を止めます。これを何度でも繰り返しましょう。
  • 4秒で息を吸い、7秒息を止め、8秒でゆっくりと息を吐き出しましょう。
  • これを2、3分間繰り返しましょう。

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Here’s the video of DAY FOUR: 


The Warrior’s Creed
Speak it out for 2 minutes with conviction and use the movements from the video to memorise it:
“Obey heaven, serve people, conquer self, crush evil.”

The Master’s Word
Set this word to a rhythm and declare it out loud for at least 5 minutes and whenever you’re out walking or driving today.
“The love of God is poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit whom He gave us.” Romans 5:5

The Truth challenge
Consider honestly this question:
“Do you just know about the Father's love or do you actually receive it, remain in it and live in it?”

The Response Challenge
Take some notes and share them with your warrior brother (by telephone, email, text etc.).

The Physical Challenge
Breathing Techniques
Breathing techniques are a great way to relax, and re-focus, particularly when feeling stressed or anxious about something. 
For example, sometimes it’s easier to start with controlling our breathing than controlling our thoughts. Once our breathing is under control, we can then begin to think and meditate more clearly.
Of course, in conjunction with today’s Bible verse, we can visualise ourselves drinking in the love of God, the presence of the Holy Spirit as we breathe. We can allow our hearts to be filled with joy and peace as we simply soak in the Master’s presence.
Here are some simple ideas to start with:

Ice Man, Wim Hof’s Breathing Technique:
  • While sitting in a comfortable place, take 30 quick, deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. 
  • Then, take a deep breath and exhale; hold until you need to breathe in. 
  • Inhale again, as deep as you can, and hold it for 10 seconds. Repeat as many times as you like.
4-7-8 Technique
  • Breathe in deeply for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds, then exhale slowly for 8 seconds.
  • Repeat for a few minutes.

If you have time, check out this interesting scientific presentation on breathing:
Breathe to Heal | Max Strom | TEDxCapeMay

Check out: http://33mw.jp
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Japanese video is here: https://youtu.be/ScMQVZkfZl0